5 Natural Painkillers

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Natural pain relief 

Painkillers, with their analgesic property, help relieve headaches, sores or other aches. Although over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen are excellent pain killers, prolonged use can have adverse side effects. Prescription drugs may be addictive and have additional negative consequences. 

Natural pain relievers have been used for hundreds of years in the form of herbs, essential oils and alternative therapies. Although these pain medicine options have not been completely researched, few data suggest that some treatments are effective and that many people find them to be helpful. 

Continue reading to discover the surprising natural pain medication and management techniques that don’t include using over-the-counter pain killers.


Peppermint oil is a fragrant member of the mint family and is prized for its therapeutic and aesthetic properties. This essential oil is derived from peppermint leaves. It tastes cool and is revitalising. 

The two primary compounds contained in this oil—menthol and menthone—are responsible for their health advantages. It can be applied topically, aromatically or orally to treat various issues, from allergies to muscle aches. 

According to a study published in the Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, peppermint oil, a popular natural pain relievers, helps ease the pain brought on by fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome. Due to its cooling and energising properties, it helps reduce headaches.


  • Apply two to three drops of this essential oil topically three times each day to the region that is injured. 
  • Alternatively, one can add 5 drops to a warm bath. 
  • We can also mix peppermint and lavender oil and apply them to the body as a massage oil. 


Turmeric is a common ingredient in curries and other food preparations. It has antioxidant and natural analgesic qualities. Turmeric’s primary active component, curcumin, also gives the spice its deep, golden hue. 

The key ingredient, curcumin, which is present in this golden spice, works as an over-the-counter antibiotic to relieve muscle discomfort and swelling. Turmeric milk or tea can be consumed every day to ease symptoms and produce significant outcomes. 

Turmeric is effective at reducing joint pain, especially arthritis-related joint discomfort. Curcumin contains anti-inflammatory characteristics, making it a viable treatment for various illnesses, including decreased pain and improved mobility in those with osteoarthritis.


Turmeric can be consumed orally as a capsule, tablet or extract. It can also be applied topically to certain wounds.


Clove is well renowned for its ability to soothe toothaches. Biting into a granule and leaving it on the troubled tooth can offer short-term relief. It possesses anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. 

Eugenol, a natural anaesthetic found in cloves, is effective as a topical pain reliever for muscle, soft tissue and nerve pain, particularly toothaches. There is a lot of empirical research that supports the analgesic effect of cloves when administered correctly. 


  • Crush clove and mix with olive oil. Apply it to the affected area within the mouth. Apply it topically to the affected area for discomfort in muscles and soft tissues.
  • Chew on whole cloves or apply clove oil directly to the gums to relieve dental discomfort. 


Rosemary leaves and oil

In addition, rosemary oil helps boost memory and brain function while reducing pain and inflammation in the body. This woody perennial herb is native to the Mediterranean area, and it is no wonder that it offers a variety of health benefits when added to our daily diet.

Rosemary is a strong essential oil that helps reduce discomfort. Rosemary oil effectively treats joint pain and headaches by acting on the brain’s neurons. 

Rosmarinus officinalis is the scientific name for rosemary. However, the majority of people only use that word. The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties of rosemary’s active ingredients are well known.

Rosemary is known for its analgesic properties. To relieve pain in difficult-to-reach locations, it is taken orally. This helps treat pain caused by a certain illness and migraines so frequently. Even breathing the aroma of rosemary oil or simply rubbing it on the temples might help ease migraine symptoms.


Combine 5 drops of rosemary oil with a teaspoon of carrier oil. Massage it on the affected area to relieve headache, soreness, sprain and other pains.



The plant Boswellia Serrata, also known as frankincense, works well as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Boswellia is said to be effective at easing the symptoms of osteoarthritis. The Arthritis Foundation recommends a dose of 100mg of Boswellia daily. However, consult a doctor before using Boswellia or other herbal treatments.

The Boswellia serrata tree is indigenous to India and is the source of Boswellia. It has been used for thousands of years to cure ailments like arthritis, pain, fever and heart disease in Ayurveda and other conventional treatment systems.

The methods of action of Boswellia and diseases it treats are similar to those of turmeric. When combined, curcumin and Boswellia may have synergistic effects that make them more effective than either one when used separately. 

The pharmaceutical NSAID celecoxib, which is frequently used for arthritis, was much less efficient at reducing pain than a combination of Boswellia and turmeric.

Boswellic acids and terpenes, potent antioxidant substances also present in citrus, eucalyptus, mint and other plants, are primarily responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties of Boswellia.


  • An oral dosage of 200 – 300 mg two to three times a day is advisable. 
  • Topical administration of the herb is also found to be effective as oral intake.


Over-the-counter painkillers are a safe and reliable method of managing pain as directed by a doctor. However, those who want to avoid the long-term negative effects of painkiller drugs have an alternative in the form of natural painkillers.

The aforementioned herbs and spices can also be used as culinary seasonings. Essential oils help relieve pain when a few drops of it are added to a tissue or a steam bath and by inhaling the vapour. They can take also be taken as supplements. 

Though natural pain-relieving methods show gradual effects, they are the most reliable and effective way in the long run.


What is the most natural painkiller? 

The natural painkillers that the body produces are called endorphins. To stop the pain, they work by attaching to the opioid receptors in the brain.

What herb is a pain killer? 

Certain herbs have pain-relieving effects, like white willow bark, Boswellia, devil’s claw, bromelain, turmeric and ginger.

What is a good home remedy for pain? 

Hot or cold compress relieves pain. Use ice packs as much as possible for the first 48 hours following an injury. Ice reduces pain by lowering oedema and inflammation at the trauma site. The quickest at-home treatment for discomfort after 48 hours is a hot compress. This kind of pain relief is quite effective.


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