How to quit chewing tobacco?

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Health Insurance Plans starting at Rs.15/day*

Chewing tobacco 

Chewing tobacco can be harder to stop using since it contains more nicotine. You can get the same amount of nicotine from chewing as you would from three cigarettes in just 30 minutes. More nicotine enters your system as a result, giving you a rush that frequent chewing tobacco users may start to want. This buzz can temporarily alter your thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. 

Many different cancers, including those of the mouth, tongue, gums, stomach, oesophagus (throat), and bladder, can be brought on by tobacco smoking. Heavy chewers may also start to notice that their teeth are becoming worn down and discoloured, which can also result in gum recession.  

Planning how to quit tobacco chewing habit 

First decide on a quit date. Mark the calendar with the day you plan to quit. Allow enough time for planning but not so much that you end up talking yourself out of quitting. Avoid attempting to quit when you are under stress since it will be more complex and you risk failing. 

Keep a journal and record your cigarette consumption. Many people find it beneficial to record their actions and feelings each time they consume cigarettes. You’ll eventually see a trend and be able to develop solutions to avoid these triggers. For instance, if you like to smoke while watching TV, you might want to keep some gum or mints nearby. 

Become a member of a support group or programme to quit smoking. Counsellors with specialised training can help you comprehend why you use cigarettes, teach you new habits, and advise how to stop. 

 A support group may offer inspiration and moral support. Make sure the programme you chose has at least four to seven 20 to 30-minute sessions each week, runs for at least two weeks after you stop smoking, and offers individual or group counselling. You might be able to locate a group with the assistance of your employee assistance programme or the programme that sponsored the publication. 

Make a decision regarding your suitability for medication or nicotine replacement treatment. You can stop smoking by easing the discomfort of nicotine withdrawal with the aid of medications like bupropion (Zyban) and varenicline (Chantix), as well as nicotine replacement therapies like nicotine gum or patches.

Particularly, nicotine gum can be beneficial for smokeless tobacco smokers because it satisfies the mouth-craving while reducing the withdrawal symptoms. Discuss the options with your doctor to determine which treatment option is best for you. 

Understand Nicotine Withdrawal 

 You can experience discomfort and a craving for a chew or dip after quitting. That is withdrawal. Your body is adjusting to life without nicotine. When withdrawing, you might be : 

  • Feeling a little down. 
  • A sleepless night. 
  • Become irritable, exasperated, or angry. 
  • Feel jittery, tense, or uneasy. 
  • Possess difficulty thinking clearly. 
  • While the duration of withdrawal symptoms can differ, for most people, the worst ones last a few days to a few weeks. When these emotions arise, you might feel tempted to chew or dip. No matter how strong they seem at the time, keep in mind that they are only fleeting. 

Staying motivated 

There are probably going to be instances when you feel yourself wanting to dip or chew even after the physical urges for nicotine have subsided. You can avoid smoking during those times if you can find ways to stay motivated to stop. 

Put your tobacco money in a jar for later. Watch the amount increase by placing the money you would typically spend on tobacco in a jar. At the end of each month, reward yourself with something special or save the money for a significant purchase. 

Think of yourself as someone who abstains from tobacco use.Think of yourself as someone who doesn’t dip or chew in any circumstance. Spend money on yourself on items that will make you happy. Because smoking improves your mood, spend your days engaging in enjoyable or calming activities. Read novels, attend concerts, and see comedic films. 

Learn how to handle triggers and cravings 

The people, places, or things that trigger your desire to chew or dip are known as triggers. You can find coping mechanisms for your triggers by being aware of them. Triggers vary from person to person. Some of the common triggers are 

  • Waking up during the night or having nightmares 
  • Before bedtime 
  • Stress or pain 
  • Seeing someone else smoke, chew, or dip 
  • After meals or during breaks 
  • Watching TV or a live game 
  • Playing a sport 
  • Driving 
  • Drinking coffee or alcohol 
  • Feeling anxious, angry, impatient, or bored 

Use NRT (Nicotine replacement therapy) 

Using nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), such as nicotine gum and patches, is one technique to manage nicotine withdrawal. NRT can lessen withdrawal symptoms and increase your likelihood of successfully stopping smokeless tobacco. Investigate the several NRT options that can assist you in quitting smokeless tobacco. 

NRT is available in a variety of forms, such as patches, gum, and lozenges. The nicotine patch is a long-acting type of NRT that delivers nicotine via the skin in small, regular doses. Your nicotine craving is reduced by this modest dose of nicotine. However, while wearing the patch, desires could still exist. The patch should be used in conjunction with a short-acting NRT, such as nicotine gum or lozenges, according to doctors. 

This will assist you in overcoming these intense urges to dip or chew. That’s because using the gum or lozenge alone won’t be as effective as combining them with the patch. Consult your doctor before using NRT if you are pregnant or have a serious medical condition. 

NRT has been the subject of extensive research. Nearly all adult smokers who want to stop using tobacco have been demonstrated to respond well to it. NRT can be purchased at a reasonable cost from your VA provider or over-the-counter at your local pharmacy. Have NRT on hand on the day you decide to stop using it if you intend to. If you take NRT as instructed, it will benefit you the greatest. 

Try other medicine to quit tobacco chewing

More drugs can aid with quitting. Your chances of successfully quitting smoking can increase by using medications such as varenicline or bupropion. You can stay committed to quitting for both yourself and others by using medicine. 

Remember that there are more options besides stopping “cold turkey.” Discuss pharmaceutical options with your VA healthcare practitioner if you want to stop chewing or dipping. 

Quitting tobacco without using medications 

Quitting tobacco without medications

Cold turkey and gradual withdrawal 

Many smokers stop abruptly, totally, and without the aid of any medications or nicotine replacements. More people quit cold turkey than with help, according to certain reports. That is accurate, but it illustrates how popular the cold turkey strategy is given how many more individuals utilise it. In fact, using support greatly increases the likelihood of a successful quit attempt. 

Another strategy is progressive withdrawal, which involves gradually reducing your daily cigarette use. By doing this, you gradually lower your body’s nicotine intake. You may decide to stop smoking cigarettes when drinking coffee, or you may elect to only smoke occasionally.


Filters that lessen the amount of tar and nicotine in cigarettes do not aid smokers in quitting or lessen the health hazards associated with smoking. 

Smoking prohibitions 

Other approaches to quitting smoking include over-the-counter products that alter the flavour of tobacco, quit-smoking diets that reduce nicotine cravings, and vitamin combinations. There is currently, there is no scientific proof that any of these are effective. 


The many variations in hypnosis techniques make it challenging to research as a smoking cessation technique. Reviews of controlled trials on hypnosis’s effectiveness as a smoking cessation aid have, for the most part, concluded that it is not. Nevertheless, some claim that it is helpful. Ask your doctor to recommend a reputable, duly licenced hypnotherapist if you’d like to give it a try. 


Although it has been used to stop smoking, there is not much proof that it is effective. Various areas of the ears are typically treated with acupuncture to treat smoking. 

Magnet treatment 

Two tiny magnets are placed in a certain location, across from each other on either side of the ear as part of magnet therapy to help people stop smoking.They are fixed in place by magnetism. There is currently no scientific proof that magnet treatment aids in smoking cessation. These magnets are sold by numerous online merchants, and each of them lists a different success rate.However, there is no clinical trial data to support these assertions. 

Cold laser treatment 

This is connected to acupuncture and is also known as low level laser therapy. This technique substitutes cold lasers for acupuncture needles. There is no scientific proof that cold laser therapy, despite the claims of certain practitioners, aids in smoking cessation. 

Herbs and supplements 

The use of homoeopathic remedies and herbal supplements as cessation aids is not well supported by scientific research. They are not required to have FDA approval for sale because they are marketed as dietary supplements rather than pharmaceuticals. This implies that neither their effectiveness nor their safety must be demonstrated by the manufacturers. 

Any product that makes the promise that it can assist you in quitting smoking should have a critical look at its label. There is no evidence that any dietary supplement can aid in quitting smoking. The majority of these supplements contain herbal mixtures but no nicotine. They have no track record of successfully assisting people in giving up smoking. 

Mind-body techniques 

Studies on smoking cessation programmes that incorporate yoga, mindfulness, and meditation have been conducted. The results were mixed, however some did indicate less smoking and less craving.  

Home remedies to quit tobacco chewing

When you feel the desperation for tobacco, you can try different things like apples,carrots.raisins, pickles or sugar-free gum, you can keep them handy for chewing purpose. You have to know that frustration, anxiety, anger, irritability, and even depression are normal after you quit chewing tobacco. These all are the example of snacks to help quit chewing tobacco.


1. Why is quitting chewing Tobacco So difficult? 

Nicotine is extremely addictive, as anyone who uses tobacco is undoubtedly aware. Some varieties of smokeless tobacco are additionally processed with a chemical called free nicotine, which increases its addictiveness. Nicotine is more addictive the faster it reaches your brain.

2. How long is chewing tobacco retained in the body? 

In general, nicotine and cotinine leave your blood for 1 to 3 days and 1 to 10 days after you quit using tobacco, respectively. 


The Information including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained on this blog are intended for education and awareness only. No material on this blog is intended to be a substitute for professional medical help including diagnosis or treatment. It is always advisable to consult medical professional before relying on the content. Neither the Author nor Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd accepts any responsibility for any potential risk to any visitor/reader.

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